Discussion Questions
Digital Resources
Discussion Questions
- Post at least ten thoughtful discussion questions here.
- What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
- Compare the Soviet-U.S. relations with the Cuban-U.S. relations.
- Why was it important for the U.S. leaders to act swiftly after knowing the Soviets deployed missiles in Cuba?
- Would the Cuban Missile Crisis be solved differently if it did not happen amid the Cold War?
- Do you think the Kennedy administration was right in issuing the quarantine blockade?
- Why didn’t the U.S. invade or attack Cuba amid the Crisis?
- Why do you think the Cuban Missile Crisis happened?
- How did the Cuban Missile Crisis relate to the modern days Cuban-U.S. relations?
- What more could the Kennedy administration have done if there were more time allowed?
- Was the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis a victory to the U.S.?
Digital Resources
Post links to at least five high-quality digital resources related to your project. Include a sentence describing each resource. Format in Chicago bibliography style.
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. “Cuban Missile Crisis,” Accessed February 25, 2020. https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/. (This source includes a timeline of important primary sources related to the Crisis)
“The Cold War,” JFK Library, accessed May 5, 2020, https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/the-cold-war. (This source includes useful information related to the Cold War)
The National Security Archive. “The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: A Political Perspective After 40 Years,” https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba_mis_cri/. (This source includes declassified primary sources related to the Crisis)
“The history of the Cuban Missile Crisis – Matthew A. Jordan” YouTube video. Posted by “TED-ED.” September 26, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwWW3sbk4EU (This source is a video summarizing the Cuban Missile Crisis)
“JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis.” Miller Center, 26 August, 2019, https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/educational-resources/jfk-and-cuban-missile-crisis. (This source includes both videos and texts introducing the Cuban Missile Crisis)